day4hope, day for hope, day of hope, hope 4 communities

Support Day4Hope in memory of Anne

Please consider making a donation to Day4Hope in memory Anne Miller.  Anne faithfully served as the Day4Hope coordinator at Gulf Gate Church for many years, and her efforts and passion for supporting our community’s children has changed countless lives and helped hundreds of families prepare their children for their next school year.

Donations of all sizes help our community’s most vulnerable kids. To fully sponsor a child for this school year, just $100 covers all they will need to help provide for them an amazing back-to-school experience. You can donate to Day4Hope by clicking below, then selecting “Give to Day4Hope” from the drop-down menu.

All proceeds will directly support our annual Day4Hope event.

Each August Gulf Gate Church participes in the city-wide event “Day4Hope” helping homeless and at-risk children prepare for the new school year. Each child receives a new backpack filled with all the needed school supplies, a care bag of personal care items, a gift card for new clothes, and food items.

If you’d like to be a part of this year’s event, or just want more info, contact our Day4Hope Coordinator Scott Wortmann.